Friday, September 22, 2023

Read Tech Articles Daily To Improve Your Knowledge

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying updated with the latest tech trends and developments is not just a choice; it's a necessity. Whether you're a seasoned tech professional, an aspiring coder, an entrepreneur, or simply someone curious about the world of technology, the act of reading tech articles daily can have a profound impact on your knowledge and career. In this article, we'll explore why reading technology blogs daily is crucial and provide you with practical tips on how to make it a part of your routine.

The Ever-Evolving Tech Landscape

Technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate. New programming languages, frameworks, gadgets, and innovations emerge almost daily. What's cutting-edge today might become obsolete in a matter of months. In this environment, remaining stagnant in your tech knowledge is not an option. Whether you're a software developer, data scientist, or IT manager, continuous learning is a must to stay relevant and competitive.

Why Read Tech Articles Daily?

Reading tech articles daily might seem like a small commitment, but its benefits are substantial:

  1. Stay Informed: Tech articles provide you with the latest updates in your field. They keep you informed about industry trends, breakthroughs, and emerging technologies.

  2. Continuous Learning: Daily reading encourages a habit of lifelong learning. It ensures that you're constantly acquiring new knowledge and skills.

  3. Problem Solving: Tech articles often discuss real-world challenges and their solutions. These insights can be invaluable when you encounter similar problems in your work.

  4. Inspiration: Reading about successful tech startups, innovations, and visionary leaders can inspire your own projects and ideas.

  5. Networking: Engaging with tech communities through comments and discussions on articles can expand your professional network.

Practical Tips to Read Tech Articles Daily

Now that you understand the importance, here are some practical tips to help you incorporate daily tech article reading into your routine:

  1. Set a Time: Choose a specific time each day for your reading. It could be in the morning with your coffee or in the evening before bed. Consistency is key.

  2. Use Aggregators: Explore tech news aggregators like Hacker News, Reddit's technology section, or platforms like TechCrunch and Wired. These platforms curate the most relevant articles.

  3. Subscribe to Newsletters: Subscribe to tech newsletters that deliver a daily dose of articles to your email. This way, the articles come to you.

  4. Utilize RSS Feeds: RSS feed readers like Feedly allow you to follow your favorite tech blogs and websites. You can organize articles by topics for easy access.

  5. Mobile Apps: Install mobile apps of tech news websites on your smartphone. This way, you can read articles during your commute or in your free time.

  6. Diversify Topics: While it's important to stay updated in your niche, don't limit yourself. Explore a wide range of tech topics to broaden your knowledge.

  7. Take Notes: Jot down key takeaways or interesting ideas from the articles. This reinforces your learning and makes it easier to revisit information.

  8. Engage in Discussions: Participate in discussions, leave comments, and share your thoughts on tech articles. Engaging with the tech community can enhance your understanding and networking.

  9. Set Goals: Challenge yourself with specific reading goals, like reading one article a day or a certain number of articles per week.

  10. Share Insights: Share interesting articles and insights with your peers and colleagues. This not only helps others but reinforces your own understanding.


In the tech world, knowledge truly is power. Reading tech articles daily is an investment in yourself and your career. It keeps you on the cutting edge, inspires innovation, and helps you navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape. So, whether you're an aspiring coder, a seasoned IT professional, or simply tech-curious, make reading tech articles a daily habit, and watch your knowledge and opportunities expand. 

NetSuite Cloud ERP Solution Overview

In the dynamic world of business, adaptability and efficiency are paramount. Managing the complex web of financials, operations, and customer relationships can be challenging, especially as organizations grow and evolve. That's where Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) comes into play. This comprehensive solution offers businesses of all sizes the tools they need to streamline operations, gain valuable insights, and foster growth in an ever-changing landscape. In this extensive overview, we will explore the myriad capabilities and advantages of Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP.

Read More Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP Solution Overview 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Types Of Mobile Application

Anyone who has a plan of developing an app for their business will inevitably have to answer the question: which type of mobile app should choose?

In the day-to-day, we use so many applications on our devices for different types of purposes. In general, we categorize these apps into three different types like native, hybrid, and web. Going through this blog content will help you to understand and differentiate these apps.

Types Of Mobile Application

Native Apps: It is created particularly for one platform or mobile device’s operating system. Thus, you can have native iOS or native Android mobile apps, not to mention other platforms and devices. Because they are developed particularly for one platform, you cannot mix and match. Hence they are “native” for a specific platform or device. Apps developed for systems like Blackberry, Symbian, Android, and Windows Phone cannot be used on a platform other than their own. For example, you cannot use the Android app on the iPhone. Native apps deliver high performance and it offers access to a variety of APIs that puts no limitation on app usage. These types of apps are available in the app store and they are coded using several programming languages including Java, Swift, C++, React, Kotlin, and Python.


  • It offers higher responsiveness and performance

  • It is a highly reliable and platform-specific UI implementation


  • It is a little complex in nature and demands some professional help and support.

  • The cost for developing these types of apps is a little bit high.

Hybrid Apps: They are web apps that look and feel more like native apps. They may have a responsive UI, fast performance, home screen app icon, can function offline, but they are web apps developed to resemble native apps. They are created with the help of multi-platform web technologies including JavaScript, ionic, C, CSS, and HTML5. These hybrid apps are fast and easy to develop and it has the advantage and disadvantage of both native and web mobile applications. In simple words, hybrid apps are website applications disguised in a native wrapper. It has a single code base for all platforms which makes the maintenance cost low. It also has poor performance, low speed, and decreased overall optimization when compared to native apps for instance.


  • It is more economical than the native app in terms of development cost.

  • Due to a single code base, it is much easier to maintain.

  • They load rapidly and best for usage in countries with slow internet connections.


  • They deliver poor performance

  • They lack in power and speed

Web Apps: They perform almost similar to native apps but are accessed through a web browser on your device. There is no need of downloading and installing code into your device. They are responsive websites that adapt their UI to the device the user is on. When you click the option to “install” a web app, it simply bookmarks the site URL on your device. These apps are designed using JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Ruby, and other programming languages used for the web. It needs a minimum of device memory, as a rule.


  • It is web-based, hence is no need of customizing to a particular platform or OS which directly cuts down on development costs.


  • Even if they have an offline mode, they won't work properly on offline mode.

  • They are dependent on the browser used on the device.


Now you know all the major categories of mobile applications available on the market. Hopefully, this has helped you to find the type your app fits. If you are searching for a way to develop your app, then you can get help from a mobile app development company to develop a great app.

Friday, November 27, 2020

3 Easy Ways to Find Social Media Topics To Boost Engagement and Shares

 Running a social media account is not an easy task. It demands a lot of effort and time. You can promote your business through social media and increase your brand exposure. In social media, you cannot share anything. You need to share only the right things to maintain the professionalism of your social media account. You’ve got to post the right things at the perfect time with the appropriate hashtags to reach your target audience. If you post the right things, it will automatically increase your brand value. It also boosts post engagement and shares. But, doing that requires a lot of effort. So how do top brands do it? They are pioneers in the art of topic curation, of identifying readers interested in and keeping their brand identity still. Are you facing difficulty in finding trendy social media topics to fill your feed? Then this article is perfectly designed for you. Go through this article to find Social Media Topics.

3 Ways to Identify Social Media Topics To Boost Engagement and Shares

Almost 90 percent of the world population used social media to know new things and interact with other people. To stand out from the on-going competition follow the below mentioned social media strategy to improve your sales. Social media offers instant access to a large group of audience who are looking for content. 

Start With Your Brand 

Use your brand’s social media account just like your personal social media account to showcase the highlights of your life. Social media provides you a chance to humanize your brand. It creates a face for your products and services. Entrepreneurs and mid-ranged businesses can have a human face using social media accounts. To increase your brand popularity, let your customers post topics related to your brand. Use FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to reach your potential customers. In a social media profile of your company, post and share authentic customer or employee stories. Discuss your brand’s effect on the real world. People want to know that you are doing good. Always try to reflect a positive culture to attract a wider audience group. Reveal a unique feature of your brand and incite the curiosity of the audience.

Stalk Your Audience

Try to spend some quality time on research about your target audience’s interest. It is the best way to find out what topics your potential audience group is interested in your niche. Go inside the minds of your target audience to identify their needs and give an appropriate solution. Based on your niche, there are a few places on the internet to stalk your potential audience. 

Quora: Here you can easily interact with others who share common interests.

Reddit: It is more like a readymade market segment full of readers. You can find subreddit segments to research topics based on your interests.

Facebook groups: It is an informal group where you can easily discuss topics about your brand and industry.

Amazon reviews: Check reviews for your competitor’s products to find the strengths, pain points, and shortcomings.

Competitor Social Media Account: What are people discussing on related pages? Are they speaking about the latest trends? Get answers to the above questions to know better about your competitions.

Industry Hottest News: keep a pulse on the newest coming trends to stay ahead of your competition. Give importance to how your target audience reacting to those trends.

Google Analytics: update yourself on your readership demographics at regular intervals of time. It provides you concepts and ideas about social media topics based on location, age, gender, and Geography.

Google: Perform a Google search for message boards and blogs related to your industry. 

Keep Content Calendar

Maintaining a social media content calendar is the best way to keep your topics organized. It helps you to keep from getting off-topic or grasp the chance to bring a new topic. You can use your content calendar as a topic map. 

Related Topics: Take a glance at what social media topics are on-trend.

Recurring Topics: Generate engagement with a short quiz, interesting posts, and giveaways.

Old Topics To Recycle: Bring back your old topics with some slight changes. 

Topic Cluster Support: It is nothing but interlinked blog posts that build authority. It also supports your topic clusters by linking them with social media.

Discussion Opportunities: try to share your readers’ feedback to gain audience attention.

Current Events: take a look around for current events in your niche or related to your brand that can offer a helpful topic.


Follow these above-mentioned tips to find social media topics. Maintain a steady flow on your social media topics to drive more traffic. These three strategies are designed to Boost Post Engagement and Shares. Follow these tips to create a consistent social media presence to attract a newer audience. If you are facing any difficulty, you can straightly contact Techasoft to boost your business. We are the best social media marketing company in Bangalore, we offer services at an affordable price.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Tips To Assess The Quality Components Of Your B2B Website

The clients should have undergone a thorough analysis of the B2B website before choosing their services and the B2B business needs to shine differently from their other competitors. Before choosing the website, you should consider important elements such as Design, Navigation, and user experience. However, not all websites are created equal. Some elements are primary while some other elements are fundamental. These elements have a great influence on the quality of the website and there are several other ways available to assess the quality of your website. We can assist you by providing tips to access the quality of the website.

Checking the credibility of the Website
The credibility of the website depends upon several factors and some of them are client list, testimonials, SSL certificate, ISO like certifications, Industry Body Association, and contact details. Your website has to stand out from other websites of your competitors in terms of the above-mentioned factors.

Finding that the B2B website is trustworthy or not
There are thousands of websites found online with the same kind of function that your website does. You can easily build trustworthiness by simply mentioning the following information such as highlighting the company history, company’s achievement, and year of establishment. Include human face to your digital domain ads a personal touch so that a greater number of visitors will visit your site.

Check their professionalism in Website
As technology develops, more users seem to across frauds to pretend to carry out specific services in exchange for money. A business must establish them as a professional company in the online market by showcasing your professional qualifications. You should mention details such as founder name, team members, certification, awards, and link to your LinkedIn, Instagram & Facebook page.

Check the company stability
A B2B website should have everything starting from credibility and experience in perfect ratio. If you want to prove your company stability, you have to describe your work methodology in brief, your approach, and data about your after-sales service. You should include an event photo-gallery, provide details about the infrastructure of the company, and more.

Are you feeling that your website is pleasant to welcome visitors?
If your user finds anything attractive from your website then he will spend more time on your site and if your website fails to engage the visitor, you need to think of rebuilding your website. You should add information about the challenges you faced in your journey and how you overcome the challenges in the past.

Ensure that navigation is simple
When a user comes to your website, he needs to get exactly what he wants in a short interval of time. You should make the navigation simple and follow the one-click rule to give extra-ordinary end-user experience, and ensure that your website has important components such as Layout, images, consistency, and typography.

Make sure the website follows the perfect layout
The main element, you need to think is what is the goal of your B2B site and your business. If you understand the motive of your business, you can take your business to match your level of expectation. Your website needs to adhere to follow functions such as Branding, content publishing, lead generation, and online information.

Is this a Company user could do business with?
You have demonstrated your expertise to anyone visiting your site by displaying the original information such as great content, details about people who operate your business and feel free to brag about how excellent you are in your profession.

These are the tips that help to access the quality of your B2B website and it guides you to decide which parts need to be enhanced or developed with the assistance of an expert. We are the expertise Website Development Company in Bangalore and we offer all types of services related to website development starting from designing a prototype to website maintenance.

How To Improve The Effectiveness Of The Software Development Project

Measuring the effectiveness of the software development project is a tedious process. Quality is an important factor in the software development industry and the best method to define the effectiveness of a software project is getting the expected results at the end in a short interval of time. Techasoft has designed this article to give detailed information about factors that measure the effectiveness of the project. In this article, we are going to discuss some metrics that are used to measure the effectiveness of the project and we give brief about how to improve the effectiveness of the software development project.

5 Productivity metrics to measure the effectiveness of a software development project:

Measuring a software development project’s effectiveness is not easy as you think and it is the most difficult task faced by the software managers. Here we have listed the five-developer metrics which are important to measure the productivity of the team.

Sprint Burn-down Reports
A sprint report is the most significant metrics in agile scrum methodology and it is a planned unit of time during which development teams have planned to carry out the task. Normally, sprint length is between one and four weeks. At the end of each sprint, the developer crew needs to report to the project manager with the progress they have made during the sprint time. By following sprint burn down reports, you can easily check and measure that if your team achieves the productivity goal or not.

Story points are used to measure the difficulty of finishing a particular user story and it is used within the development team. With the help of this measurement, developers can easily find the requirements for the project and find the complexity of the task. The important property of this measurement is it differs from person to person and you can compare one person's velocity with another one. The velocity is calculated based on individual knowledge, ability, skill set, code quality, and experience.

Cycle Times
Cycle time is used to measure how much time your team takes to resolve issues and it helps to find out whether your team is skilled enough to face the issues during a development task. Some organizations make use of these metrics to track how fast their teams are equipped to build new features. It helps to keep your project on track.

This metric is almost similar to velocity, while velocity deals with the end result, throughput counts tasks, and errors. The throughput tracks the exact number of tasks being done during the sprint and reflects how a team is performing in real-time.

Open Pull Requests
When your developer team completes a change request, they’ll add it to the code depot and then they issue a pull request that mentions the rest of the team to re-examine the work. Each pull request will be kept open until other developers have given their feedback and if your project has many open pull requests, it denotes that your reviewers are sluggish in replying.
How to improve the performance of a software development project
  • Taking some effective steps can improve the efficiency of the project and drive better results.
  • Provide your team with a pleasant, noise-free, and happy environment so they can more concentrate on work without any deviations. To improve productivity, we suggest you provide your team with large space instead of packing them in small cubicles. This will help to increase creativity and efficiency in your software development.
  • If you provide proper support to your development team, your team can attain success within a short period of time. If you fail to offer support, there is a chance that your software development team can lose direction and force. Understand your team better by providing a project head to guide and direct them.
  • The best approach to improve your team performance is to offer employees an opportunity to take on a new task or increased responsibilities. You can support developers to learn new technical concepts and techniques.
  • Maintain a proper workflow to increase efficiency and promote teamwork. If your organization's workflow is smooth, it helps to offer every member of the team clear tasks and goals to complete while also eliminating needless tasks and interruptions. It also helps to maintain team focus and increases the results for an enthusiastic software development team.
I hope this article helps you could your software team into a smart and efficient team. Set up a realistic expectation and aim for gradual improvement. It is important to keep all the mentioned factors in mind while developing software and if you face difficulty, you can contact us. We are the leading Software Development Company in Bangalore 
and we can turn your thoughts into real software.

Top 10 Differences Between UX and UI

If you imagine a product as a fish, the bones represent the code that forms the frame and the parts of the fish represent the UX design. Most people, even people from technical backgrounds, may not have a proper understanding between UX and UI. In order to provide a better understanding between UX and UI, Techasoft has curated the list of the top 10 differences between UX and UI, go through it to get a clear explanation about both the terms.

What’s The Difference Between UI And UX?
UX design refers to the end-user experience whereas UI designers focus on the user interface design. They share a close relationship with each other but serve different functions.

Top 10 Differences Between UI And UX
  • UI is an artistic component, while the UX is a social component.
  • UI design is considered as the artistic component as it deals with the design and interfaces of the products. It is connected with the end-users' emotional feelings such as hearing, touching, and seeing. UX is a social component and it focuses on market research and facilitating better communication with clients to understand their requirements.
Different Focus
The primary difference between UI and UX is that both designers have a different use of prototyping. Most of the UI designers prefer a hi-fi model to catch the attention of the visitor, while the UX designers give priority to the fidelity.

UX designers always like to use three colors (black, white, and grey) in designing prototypes. Conversely, UI designers use all the colors in the pallets and you can notice the difference in website icons. For example, when you create a bottom navigation bar, UI designers spend a lot of effort to make it as real. On the contrary, UX designers would simply place the button in the right place, then leave a note saying Gray after clicking.

There are a lot of differences in the roles between UI and UX designers, there is a great difference between the tools they use. Designing images is the primary work for the UI designers and they use tools like Flinto, Principle, Sketch, and InVision. UX designers go for wireframe to make their design more efficient and they use tools such as Mockplus, Balsamiq, and Axure.
  • UX design focuses on solving a problem while UI aims at attracting visually.
  • UX design is all about finding and solving user-related issues while the UI deals with developing & creating intuitive, visually appealing, interactive interfaces.
  • UX can set with all types of products while UI is specific about its products.
  • UX can easily fit with other types of products, experience, or service to provide a solution while on the other hand UI is specific to certain types of digital products and experiences.
  • UX makes interface useful and UI determines the look.
  • UX design is mainly focused on delivering extraordinary user experience of a specific product or service. The primary goal of UX is to locate the problems of customers in the design. UI design gives importance to the designing element factors to make an appealing visual design of your website.
  • UX focuses on the user journey while UI focuses on product snapshots.
The main factor in deciding the success of the UX is its audience and most UX research, testing, and experimentation give importance to learning and improving the user experience. On the other hand, UI designers focus on the layout to deliver a great experience to customers with the perfect combination of graphics, interaction, motion, and branding they can design a great layout.

UX and UI complement each other
  • UX and UI are entirely different and they can work independently without affecting each other. In delivering user experience, both UX and UI try to deliver the best possible outcome. One cannot deliver greater results without the help of others and both are essential in making the winning of the product or service.
  • UX is all about project management and UI is all about technical factors.
  • UX mainly deals with project management and analysis through the entire phase of development, delivery, and ideation. UI is more focused on technical components to create components for the completed product.
Techasoft is the leading UI UX Design Company in Bangalore and we can deliver extraordinary design to your business. We have a team of creative people who can work wonders on your website to get the maximum number of visitors.