Friday, November 27, 2020

3 Easy Ways to Find Social Media Topics To Boost Engagement and Shares

 Running a social media account is not an easy task. It demands a lot of effort and time. You can promote your business through social media and increase your brand exposure. In social media, you cannot share anything. You need to share only the right things to maintain the professionalism of your social media account. You’ve got to post the right things at the perfect time with the appropriate hashtags to reach your target audience. If you post the right things, it will automatically increase your brand value. It also boosts post engagement and shares. But, doing that requires a lot of effort. So how do top brands do it? They are pioneers in the art of topic curation, of identifying readers interested in and keeping their brand identity still. Are you facing difficulty in finding trendy social media topics to fill your feed? Then this article is perfectly designed for you. Go through this article to find Social Media Topics.

3 Ways to Identify Social Media Topics To Boost Engagement and Shares

Almost 90 percent of the world population used social media to know new things and interact with other people. To stand out from the on-going competition follow the below mentioned social media strategy to improve your sales. Social media offers instant access to a large group of audience who are looking for content. 

Start With Your Brand 

Use your brand’s social media account just like your personal social media account to showcase the highlights of your life. Social media provides you a chance to humanize your brand. It creates a face for your products and services. Entrepreneurs and mid-ranged businesses can have a human face using social media accounts. To increase your brand popularity, let your customers post topics related to your brand. Use FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to reach your potential customers. In a social media profile of your company, post and share authentic customer or employee stories. Discuss your brand’s effect on the real world. People want to know that you are doing good. Always try to reflect a positive culture to attract a wider audience group. Reveal a unique feature of your brand and incite the curiosity of the audience.

Stalk Your Audience

Try to spend some quality time on research about your target audience’s interest. It is the best way to find out what topics your potential audience group is interested in your niche. Go inside the minds of your target audience to identify their needs and give an appropriate solution. Based on your niche, there are a few places on the internet to stalk your potential audience. 

Quora: Here you can easily interact with others who share common interests.

Reddit: It is more like a readymade market segment full of readers. You can find subreddit segments to research topics based on your interests.

Facebook groups: It is an informal group where you can easily discuss topics about your brand and industry.

Amazon reviews: Check reviews for your competitor’s products to find the strengths, pain points, and shortcomings.

Competitor Social Media Account: What are people discussing on related pages? Are they speaking about the latest trends? Get answers to the above questions to know better about your competitions.

Industry Hottest News: keep a pulse on the newest coming trends to stay ahead of your competition. Give importance to how your target audience reacting to those trends.

Google Analytics: update yourself on your readership demographics at regular intervals of time. It provides you concepts and ideas about social media topics based on location, age, gender, and Geography.

Google: Perform a Google search for message boards and blogs related to your industry. 

Keep Content Calendar

Maintaining a social media content calendar is the best way to keep your topics organized. It helps you to keep from getting off-topic or grasp the chance to bring a new topic. You can use your content calendar as a topic map. 

Related Topics: Take a glance at what social media topics are on-trend.

Recurring Topics: Generate engagement with a short quiz, interesting posts, and giveaways.

Old Topics To Recycle: Bring back your old topics with some slight changes. 

Topic Cluster Support: It is nothing but interlinked blog posts that build authority. It also supports your topic clusters by linking them with social media.

Discussion Opportunities: try to share your readers’ feedback to gain audience attention.

Current Events: take a look around for current events in your niche or related to your brand that can offer a helpful topic.


Follow these above-mentioned tips to find social media topics. Maintain a steady flow on your social media topics to drive more traffic. These three strategies are designed to Boost Post Engagement and Shares. Follow these tips to create a consistent social media presence to attract a newer audience. If you are facing any difficulty, you can straightly contact Techasoft to boost your business. We are the best social media marketing company in Bangalore, we offer services at an affordable price.
