Monday, October 28, 2019

What is GIT? Basic tutorial of command and operations in GIT

Before going straight into the tutorial for GIT first it is important to know what is GIT it’s uses and applications and after that we will straight go to the tutorial of commands in GIT and before that you should know that learning both GIT and it’s commands are very easy.
GIT was first created in the year 2005 by Linus Torvalds. It is a distributed version control system which is used during software development to track the changes in the course of development. The changes can be tracked in any set of files and it is designed with the purpose to coordinate work amongst the programmers. GIT stores all the information of projects and files in structure called GIT Repository which is the core of GIT. The major goals of GIT are to maintain great speed and data integrity and also it works to support the distributed and non linear work flows.

The operations in GIT
Here I have mentioned the operation major operations in GIT which are divided into two sects - the basic operations and the advanced operations.

The basic operations in GIT are:
1 ) Initialize
2 ) Add
3 ) Commit
4 ) Push and
5 ) Pull.

The advanced operations are:
1 ) Branching
2 ) Merging and
3 ) Rebasing

The first thing you need to do is to install the GIT system. Now, let us proceed with the basis operations:

Initialize: To initialize first you need to perform the operation or you need to use the command ‘ git init .’ This command creates space that is either by emptying an existing Git Repository or by creating a new one. What happens is that this command creates a .git directory along with the file templates and the sub directories if the repository is newly created and if it creates directory in an already existing repository then in that case it does not overwrite the previously written templates but adds new ones.

Add: The main function of this operation is to make changes in the working tree, that is it prepares the content in the staging area for it’s next commit. The add command is used to add new or modified files to the index and it should be used before running the commit command.
You can use it as the following : git add < directory > or git add < files >

Commit: This command means recording snapshots of a given repository at a given time. One feature of this command is that it cannot change on its own unless it’s is changed intentionally . Moreover, it does not copy whatever instructions you enter in the directory because git aims at keeping commit as light as possible in it’s weight. To brief it : the commit command only copies the changes made in the repository.

Pull: The work of this command is to identify the changes occurred in the remote repository and shift it to the local repository. It also works to combine the upstream changes in the local repositories and this is a common task in the git collaborations. You can use the command as following :
git pull origin < Branch name >

Push: The work of this command is just the opposite to that of the pull command that is it transfers the changes from the local repositories to the central repositories. Once you are done collecting a lot of local commits and you are ready to share them then you can use the push command to move them to central repository. You can use the command as following 
git push < remote >

In the same way you can use the advanced operations like
git branch < Branch name >  
git merge < Branch name >

Now from this article you know how to use git and also you have learnt the basic operations one usually needs to know if he or she installs git. You can also take the help of Techasoft a leading software development company in Bangalore which is every ready to assist it’s clients.

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